Rwanda Genocide: WBS - NAACP - Hofstra University - Immaculee Ilibagiza On April 15, 2008 Safiyya Sarkin/Women Beyond Survival in conjunction with the NAACP (student branch-Shawn Hutchinson) and Hofstra University was instrumental again in having Immaculee Ilibagiza to speak at Hofstra during the commemoration week of the Rwandan Genocide. ___________________________________________________________
12th commemoration of the Rwandan Genocide held at the United Nations April 7, 2006
Women Beyond Survival co-sponsored the 12th commemoration of the Rwandan Genocide held at the United Nations on Rwandan Remembrance Day April 7, 2006 entitled: Healing The Past To Provide Hope For The Future Rwandan Remembrance Day, April 7, 2006 Commemoration of the 12th Anniversary of the Rwandan genocide HEALING THE PAST TO PROVIDE HOPE FOR THE FUTURE United Nations, New York City First Avenue between 45th and 46th Streets Conference Room 4 1:00-2:30 pm (Please arrive no later than 12:15PM for security check-in) Co-Sponsored by We, The World ( and Women Beyond Survival Speakers will include: · Victoria H. Trabosh - President of NGO Itafari Immaculee Ilibagiza - Author of “Left To Tell” and a survivor of the genocide · Louise Mushikiwabo - Author of “Rwanda Means the Universe” · Dr. Grace Chung Lee - Secretary General of World Culture Open · Robert Van Lierop - International Lawyer who participated in the International Criminal Tribunal For Rwanda · A survivor of the Jewish Holocaust · A Representative of the Rwandan Embassy · Safiyya Sarkin - Founder of Women Beyond Survival; Safiyya will introduce Immaculee Ilibagiza · Rick Ulfik (Moderator) - Founder and Director of We, The World PLUS Performance by Jean Paul Samputu To mark the occasion, a song of honor will be sang by Jean Paul Samputu and his Rwandese group. Jean Paul Samputu travels the world as a cultural ambassador for Rwanda bringing to his audiences not only traditional African singing, dancing, and drumming, but also a message of peace and reconciliation. See
What happened to Rwanda happened to all of us. Our children look up to us, we owe them a future _______________________________________________________
"Healing the Past to ProvidHope for the Fte"
WBS in Conjunction with Hofstra University/Rwanda Genocide April 2006
In April 2006 Safiyya Sarkin President and Founder of WBS in conjunction with Hofstra University in Long Island were instrumental in having Immaculee Ilibagiza, survivor or the Rwandan Genocide and wrote a book called "Left to Tell" to speak at Hofstra University on the week of the commemoration of the genocide. The student body created a T-Shirt saying end the genocide, stop the killings in Darfur.
UN During the Commission on the Status of Women WBS sponsored Immaculeee Ilibagiza and her new book called "Left to Tell" which depicted her own survival and how she was in hiding for 91 days in a very tiny bathroom with 7 other women during the Rwandan Genocide in 1994. She spoke about her plight and how she survived the horrors, as she heard 400 armed militia had come into the house where she was hiding in the bathroom looking for her to kill her. She lost all of her family. This very poignant event took place on March 7, 2006 at the UN during the Commission on the Status of Women.