Ensuring Security
WBS works with international and local agencies to provide shelter to women and children displaced or fleeing war and conflict. It considers safety, collective and individual security, protection, and safe access to food, water, and firewood as a fundamental right and basic need for recovery. WBS offers training programs on self-protection and survival skills which are particularly critical in war and conflict zones.
Educating the Child on the Human Rights Perspective WBS believes that the education of the girl child as well the boy child is a crucial element in affecting societal growth and attitudinal change towards the girl child. Helping to bridge the gap towards gender disparity, WBS works with parents, educators, religious and tribal leaders in rearing the boy child to have greater respect for girls and women. WBS will also work with government, local agencies, educators and other members of civil society to establish schools in the United States and other parts of the world.
Providing Health Resources
WBS partners with national, local government officials, international agencies, and other civil society organizations to bring health experts, physicians, psychological counselors, physical therapists, and other professionals to conflict zones to help treat the disabled. WBS facilitates the delivery of materials and in-kind donations to establish and implement health-related policies and infrastructure investments. Doctors and health care professionals travel from around the world to assist and train medical professionals in developing nations. HIV/AIDS rapid testing, counseling, and ongoing care will be made available to refugee camps, IDP camps, and other remote areas. WBS will also supply ARVs, nutritional packets, and clean drinking water to those living with HIV/AIDS. WBS deploys medical professionals into conflict regions to provide immediate counseling and testing to rape victims.
Rehabilitating and Repatriating into Families and Communities
WBS seeks to protect victims of rape, disabilities, HIV/AIDS and other diseases and their dignity as human beings. WBS and its trained psychologist/psychiatrist partners work to provide psychological counseling, education and outreach to families, community leaders, civil society, tribal and religious leaders. Administered in local languages, these programs will be initiated in the various areas where the victims had once resided and were once able to call home. WBS will ensure the safety of these victims even before they are repatriated into their society. WBS will aim to avoid further trauma, and decrease additional harm or deaths.
Addressing the Needs of Orphans
Conflicts around the world have produced orphans in staggering numbers. In order for an orphan to have a normal childhood he/she must be given proper shelter, food, clean drinking water, clothing, access to education and health care, as well as emotional, psychological, medical and physical needs. WBS works with existing orphanages and helps with the building or the conversion of facilities to increase the services available, hiring professional personnel, as well as incorporating health care and educational facilities as an all inclusive community. These efforts are accomplished through the combined effort of WBS, local governments, civil society, religious, tribal, community organizations and donor nations to ensure that these orphans are not subjected to human trafficking, armed conflict, gangs, forced conscription into militias, drugs and sexual exploitation.
Developing Skills for Sustainability
WBS empowers women and gives them the skills necessary to survive in post-conflict societies. It achieves this through assessing specific skills that each woman possesses and seeks to capitalize on them through the availability of microfinance. This will enable her to access financial avenues to insure the support of her family. Additional financial resources will enable the family to send the girl child to school, preventing her from staying at home.
Empowering Personal Growth and Leadership
WBS aims to give women affected by conflict the tools to voice and pursue their dreams. It seeks to give women a right to self determination through education, training, and psychological care. To achieve this goal, WBS sponsors activities that offer women the opportunity to express their thoughts, beliefs, and dreams in various artistic, intellectual, and professional areas, such as public speaking, journalism, literary publication, the performing arts, legal and scientific fields. WBS trains women not only to be advocates for their rights, but also to serve in local government and parliamentary positions and decision-making processes in policymaking and legislation.